Mental Health Blog

Welcome to TCC’s Blog! We believe that knowledge is power, especially when it comes to understanding and managing your mental health. Our posts are split up into 4 categories: "Psych Simplified", to break down psychology concepts into digestible pieces; "Connection Chronicles", to explore all things relationships - intimate and platonic; "Inner Insights" to assist you on your journey of self-awareness, and "Resilience Roadmap", a place solely for providing and explaining tools to cope.

Our Blog

Inner Insights Maryna Chernomorets Inner Insights Maryna Chernomorets

Say Their Names - The Impact of Police Brutality on Mental Health

Sonya Massey’s name has raised the unsolved issue again. Police brutality is a pervasive issue that Black people and other people of color have continued to face, which has had a detrimental impact on the mental health of families connected to victims as well as the Black community at large. Research continues to demonstrate the importance and need for mental health resources in communities exposed to police brutality.

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Psych Simplified Maryna Chernomorets Psych Simplified Maryna Chernomorets

Supporting BIPOC Mental Health: Overcoming Barriers 

In the media, there has been a growing awareness around BIPOC communities and mental health care, however, there is more to be done! BIPOC individuals tend to face more challenges regarding mental health care, something that shouldn’t be the case. This relates to individuals' unique experiences and challenges faced because of systemic racism, historical trauma, and cultural stigma.

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Inner Insights Maryna Chernomorets Inner Insights Maryna Chernomorets

Where to Begin – A Guide to Free 15-Minute Consultations with a Therapist 

15 minutes doesn’t sound like a lot of time. However, those minutes really do matter! You can gather a lot of information about yourself and the therapist in that time. It may seem a bit intimidating, so we are here to help! Here are some common questions around consultations and some tips on what you should be asking to get the most out of them!

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Psych Simplified Maryna Chernomorets Psych Simplified Maryna Chernomorets

Understanding PTSD: Your Introductory Guide to Diagnosis, Treatment, and Finding Support in Alberta 

You have probably heard of PTSD but may wonder exactly what it is. Post-traumatic stress disorder, more widely known as PTSD, affects those who have experienced a traumatic event that is shocking, dangerous, and/or scary. Typically, PTSD is diagnosed when someone continues to experience symptoms after the event, such as nightmares, fear, anger,

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Connection Chronicles Maryna Chernomorets Connection Chronicles Maryna Chernomorets

Understanding Your Attachment Style for Healthier Relationships - The Key to Lasting Connections 

Learn about secure, anxious, avoidant, and disorganized attachment styles, how they develop, and their impact on adult relationships. Understand the psychological theories behind attachment, signs to identify your own style, and practical tips for improving relationship dynamics. Dive deep into the role of childhood experiences and parental influence, and explore strategies for fostering healthier attachments. Perfect for anyone looking to enhance their emotional well-being and relationship satisfaction.

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Inner Insights Maryna Chernomorets Inner Insights Maryna Chernomorets

The Importance of MENtal Health

Men’s mental health is often less talked about, however, equally as important! While research has shown that mental illness is more prevalent in women, men are often less likely to receive a diagnosis and/or needed treatment. There are a lot of stigmas around this topic, and we are here to work towards breaking that and share more on its importance!

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